
Showing posts from December, 2013

Waqt ki chheetein

अनजाने बनते चले हैं मेरे जानने वाले कैसे समझाऊँ उन्हें जो बनते मेरे चाहने वाले जिद छोटी सी जीने की है मेरी अपनी तरह दुनिया की बनी बनाई लकीरों को कैसे अपना लूँ इस तरह वजूद मेरा जवाब मांगता है ख्वाब मेरा जवाब मांगता है अपनी राह पर ही रहना खुद रास्ता जवाब मांगता है दोस्ती निभा न सकूँगा रिश्ते निभा न सकूँगा दिल लेने देने की बात तो दूर खुद से वादा शायद निभा न सकूँगा माफी की क्या उम्मीद करूँ गलती तो बहुत सी होंगी किसी राह पर चल निकला हूँ वरना उम्मीदें तो मुझसे भी बहुत सी होंगी अकेलापन डसता था कभी कभी डरता था खोने से खुद को पर समझाना ही था यूं काम न चलेगा रोने से अनजाने समंदर मे अकेले नाविक की तरह चल निकला हूँ किस ओर क्या पता किसी के सवालों का क्या जवाब दूँ कि जाना कहाँ क्या मंज़िल इसका पैगाम उन्हे क्या दूँ इतना समझ लो कि बस अभी तो नाव को खेना है वक़्त को छीटों को सहते सहते हौले हौले आगे बढ़ना है || Little bit inspired from "Waqt aane pe bata denge tujhe ae aasmaan, hum abhi se kya batayein kya hamare dil mein hai" (Sachin)

Review: The One You Cannot Have

Yesterday I completed latest novel "The One You Cannot Have" by +Preeti Shenoy  , yet I ordered it a little bit late but I was lucky enough to have author signed copy; I completed the whole in three or four sittings only despite having a busy schedule. This book have something which revolves around feeling engaged with urgh to having one again in your life which you cannot have.  This is story of Aman and Shruti, once they were madly in love with each other, they meant the whole world to each other, yet their life goes on different paths, yet after two years they find the pain in their heart of not having with one another. Shruti was married to Rishabh according to the will of her parents, who is a nice guy; circumstances changes and they both find their marriage at the verge of an end. On other hand, Aman engaged himself into excessive workload trying to forget Shruti, yet he is not capable of that; returned to India and met Anjali who make him laugh once again...

वक़्त को गुज़रते

सोच रहा हूँ कि वक़्त के इन अलसाये  अलसाये लम्हों से चुरा लूँ वक़्त ज़रा सा उकेरूँ नए शब्द कागज़ पर ज़ी लूँ ज़रा ख्वाबों को सोचता हूँ भर दूँ उनमें नया रंग ज़रा सा नव जग के नव कण की नयीं आशाएँ पाऊँ हट कर प्राचीरता से सोचूँ कुछ तो नया ज़रा सा ज़िंदगी के कैनवास पर बिखरे हैं हजारों रंग रुकूँ समझूँ देखूँ थोड़ी देर वक़्त को गुजरते ज़रा सा !!    (Sachin)

Don't Think: Varun Agarwal of Alma Mater @ NEXTBIGWHAT #Startuproots

I was doing daily stuffs like news checking etc on my facebook news feed, there was a video shared by a friend, which is a conference of Varun Agrawal, "Failed in Engineering, owner of million dollar company", I was quite fasinated by the video, not only the video is inspiring but it has some points which really made me to think about our conventional ways. Don't Think Looking horrible, how can a person do stop thinking, afterall he is human, he all wants his safety, he always think about the situation to place him on a safer side. But that's not the point of Varun about thinking, he said that from the childhood we have learnt a simple thing, think before you do; well that's ok but what if we only thinking about our problems, solutions, situations etc, meanwhile somewhere we stop one thing " Doing act ". Yes that's the point, if you have any idea then just don't think about it, it's circumtances, it's situations or whatever, just ...