Don't Think: Varun Agarwal of Alma Mater @ NEXTBIGWHAT #Startuproots

I was doing daily stuffs like news checking etc on my facebook news feed, there was a video shared by a friend, which is a conference of Varun Agrawal, "Failed in Engineering, owner of million dollar company", I was quite fasinated by the video, not only the video is inspiring but it has some points which really made me to think about our conventional ways.

Don't Think

Looking horrible, how can a person do stop thinking, afterall he is human, he all wants his safety, he always think about the situation to place him on a safer side. But that's not the point of Varun about thinking, he said that from the childhood we have learnt a simple thing, think before you do; well that's ok but what if we only thinking about our problems, solutions, situations etc, meanwhile somewhere we stop one thing "Doing act".

Yes that's the point, if you have any idea then just don't think about it, it's circumtances, it's situations or whatever, just go for it.

He said he was fascinated by film making in his senior secondary, he told his parents, but the answer was obvious, "are you mad or whatever", so they just put him into engineering and that results in nothing later on.

when he failed in engineering, he told himself "now I had not to prove anything to anyone except myself, I can think about me now." After some years of struggle in engineering, he just went through an idea of making merchandise for schools, colleges and organizations which result him into a big startup; he didn't think about it whether it should do profit or loss, he just went over it whithout thinking.

He is now owning his three startups: Last Minute Films, Alma Mater (Online merchandise organization) and Reticualar. He is the author of his semibiography "How I braved Anu aunty and co-founded a million dollar company."

What we can conclude from this celeb

well, just stop thinking too much and start doing act about it, life always find new ways to celebrate, if you're going through bad phases as compared to you compared ones, just remember one thing "Monuments always take more time to build than an ordinary building."

Happy Life :)



  1. Inspiring for everyone, every task is uphill but select the proper gear.


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